• Bilanzschema eines bergbaulich veränderten Flussgebietes
Hydrogeochemical modelling is an appropriate tool for predicting and forecasting the effects of pyrite alteration on the water budget of mining catchments. Combining PHREEQC with water balance models can help to map hydrogeochemical processes taking place in rivers, lakes and aquifers.

By linking this program code with a one- dimensional numerical seepage model (e.g. HYDRUS) and a one- dimensional analytic alteration model (Gibson), water quality and substance output of the dump can be projected. The combination with water balance models for the flooding and management of mining lakes, as well as the combination with groundwater flow models allow forecasting water quality in the mining lakes. (see above). In combination with groundwater flow models, compartment models for catchment areas that are influenced by decreasing groundwater levels can be derived. Compartment models are appropriate for predicting the development of ground- and surface water quality. The modular character allows arbitrary combinations of the model building blocks, hence water quality can be modelled for a rather complex catchment structure.

  • Schema eines bergbaulich veränderten Flussgebietes
  • Systemschema zur hydrogeochemischen Modellierung der Grundwasserbeschaffenheit in Braunkohleabraumkippen
  • Hydrogeochemische Genese eines Profils in Braunkohleabraumkippen (Ergebnis der hydrogeochemischen Modellierung)
  • Prognose der Entwicklung des pH-Wertes in einem bergbaulich beeinflussten Fließgewässer für zwei Szenarien der Tagebauführung